The Birth of Henry

February 1, 2024

The Birth of Henry. After going to bed around 9:00 on Saturday, I was woken up around 11:00 by wet sheets… not sure if I just peed a little or my water broke, I stood up to examine the situation. In doing so, the amniotic fluid came flowing. I woke up Christopher, text our midwife and turned on the British Baking Show to have the soft sounds of Paul Hollywood soothe me to sleep. I had roughly two contractions an hour throughout the night, but nothing intense. After a lackluster night of sleep, the boys woke up and my contractions stopped completely so we called in reinforcements… my Mama. Then while Elliott napped as we watched church online, they returned. As soon as he woke up, they stopped. So Christopher took them to play and I took a nap. I woke up got some food, laid down for a bit longer and then told Henry it was go time. By 1:00 pm, my contractions were averaging five minutes apart and about a minute long. I text my birth photographer and she was at the house around 3:00. I was still light hearted and able to laugh and joke with her as she captured sweet moments with the family during and between contractions. Our midwives came about an hour later, and shortly after they arrived I went into active labor. As bedtime for the boys was upon us, so was Henry’s arrival. With the support of Christopher, my mom and my midwife, my body worked hard contracting and pushing Henry down. Christopher went to put Elliott to bed and I felt the need to poop, and did not want to do that on my birth ball in my bedroom, but usually that feeling means birth is moments away. We went to the bathroom, I had another contraction where I could feel his head coming. I had my mom rush to get Christopher. I had another contraction and Henry was born on his due date at 5:39 pm. It truly is amazing how the body knows what to do if you just listen to it. I’m so grateful to have had the best birth team possible and for the boys to be there with me. They rubbed my back, breathed with me, read to me and Calvin came running in seconds after Henry was born. I will never forget the look on his face; in disbelief that his baby brother was born! Photo credit @meaganjoycreative.

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