The Birth of Liam

January 6, 2024

I can’t say enough good things about Central Texas Birth Center. I am so incredibly grateful to have found them: I love my birth story. My son, my firstborn, Liam, was born May 6, at 40 week and 2 days gestation, weighing 8 lbs. 12 oz, and 21 inches long. I had a natural, beautiful, intense labor, and delivered him at the birthing center. I was so euphoric after he was born! I was extremely happy with my experience, and so grateful for an amazing doula, amazing midwife and team, and a beautiful birthing center to have him at.

When I found out I was pregnant (my first pregnancy), I knew I wanted to find a midwife and a birthing center. I am a nurse, and I have worked in Postpartum, and I knew I didn’t want to have my baby in a hospital or to be under the care of an OBGYN. I visited a couple other birthing centers and was disappointed, but from the moment I walked into Central Texas Birth Center, it was exactly what I was looking for. The environment they have created there is beautiful, peaceful, and empowering, from the building and rooms, to every single employee, to how they conducted appointments and everything they do, and all the resources they provide. They truly cared about me and my baby, and treated us with such respect, and care. They took time with me at every appointment, encouraging questions, and giving such good advice and recommendations. I felt like I was making actual informed decisions, and that the decisions were mine to make, and they were there to support and educated.

My pregnancy was mostly healthy. They were so good at encouraging me to do all the healthy things with diet and activity. I have a history of IBS, and they knew just what to do to help me navigate my IBS and diet with a healthy pregnancy. I did develop some very mild anemia, and they recommended the best iron supplements (beef liver pills) and I could buy them there (so convenient) or get my own somewhere else (no pressure!). And they recommended other diet things to increase my iron and improve my anemia. I had some lower leg swelling, and some lower back pain, and they were so helpfully in dealing with those things. I just felt so encouraged and motivated and supported during my whole pregnancy.

Right at 40 weeks, I started developing an itchy rash on my belly, and they were on top of that, checking on me and doing labs, and staying in communication. My liver numbers were starting to elevate, and I am so grateful for how they handled this: they were willing to keep my in their care as long as I had the baby very soon (and my symptoms and liver elevation remained very mild), and gave me such good advice on what to do to help labor get started safely. But they also started the process of getting me ready to go into a hospital and be induced if my labor didn’t start on its own soon (and they addressed all my many questions and concerns with this possible big change in plans, and they were ready to go to the hospital and support me there).

Thankfully, due to the advice my midwife gave me (get natural oxytocin going by relaxing, imagining my body going into labor, having a romantic dinner with my husband, sex, etc.), and the things I had already been doing leading up to that point (walking and being active every day, but also embracing resting and relaxing too, healthy diet, etc.), and the prayers of TONS of friends and family, I DID go into labor on my own, naturally! My water broke on its own, I went into labor within a couple hours, and almost 10 hours from my water breaking I was holding my son in my arms!

My midwife was exactly what I wanted during labor: supportive and this amazing calm and peaceful presence. From texts and phone calls while I labored at home, to a beautiful experience with intense labor at the birthing center, to giving me good coaching on how to breath and work through pushing more effectively, to keeping such a good eye on my baby as I labored, I just couldn’t have asked for a better experience! The supporting team at the birthing center during my labor and delivery was also incredible, encouraging me, and being this peaceful supportive presence, and even taking pictures and videos (SUCH good pictures and videos captured, and I hadn’t even asked this of them, they just did it and I am SO grateful!). And they took such good care of us after the delivery too, including keeping things VERY clean and sweeping away any signs of blood so my husband didn’t have to see any of that (something he cared a lot about)!

I hemorrhaged a few minutes after he was born. My uterus just stopped contracting as soon as his head was born, which led to me hemorrhaging. But they got the bleeding to stop pretty quickly. And I had a 2nd degree tear, which they repaired. Again, they were so respectful and gentle through all of that, taking time to make sure I was numbed up before suturing the tear, and comfortable and informed about making a decision to have it repaired. I was so impressed by this, and so grateful. I held my son in my arms and was able to just focus on him and enjoy him, while the team took care of me. I didn’t feel like the hemorrhage or the tear took away from my birthing experience, and to me that shows what an amazing midwife team I had.

During the short period I was hemorrhaging, I felt completely at peace, knowing and seeing what good hands I was in: my midwife team was AMAZING! They remained calm but very efficient and quick. Also, there was such good communication, with each other, and with me. I felt so honored (by them informing me and communicating with me), and so taken care of (they were firm and quick but still gentle). I was all smiles and just oh so happy to have my son in my arms (and that labor was over!), not worrying about anything because I was in such good hands.

I also had such good support after he was born and I went home. Home visits, texts, phone calls, all the support and encouragement I could ask for, and needed (help breastfeeding, etc.).

I just couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful and amazing experience, from my first visit there, to my last visit 6 weeks postpartum. At 6 weeks postpartum I was fully recovered from my tear (it had healed beautiful and completely with no complications), and baby and I were healthy and happy (and we still are, now 5 months later!).

Contact us for a free consultation and to schedule a tour of our facility.
We encourage you to reach out to us early in your pregnancy. Our availability is limited in order to maintain the highest standard of care.
Call (512)-763-7569